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How to setup Firebase projects

  • #Firebase
  • #Cloud service
  • #Google Products


1 min read
How to setup Firebase projects

This is an article about the setup for `Firebase` in the cloud and the setup of a project on Firebase. Nothing complicated but this is just if there are any doubts ☺️.

The Firebase Setup

When you've entered the Firebase webpage it's easy to get started, just start of by clicking the `Go to console` button in the top of the right corner as in the image.

Firebase main page go to console

Then you will be redirected to the login page for google account, just login as they guide you then you will be redirected again, this time to the page were you can see all your projects. Like this 📽.

Firebase projects list

To Create a new project you just click on the `+ Add project` and you will come to this view were you need to add the name of the project and accept the terms.

Firebase project name creation

Then you when you continue they will ask you for `google analytics` to be added to your project like this.

Firebase project google analytics

`Google analytics` is not necessary for testing it out and learning development with firebase. I would not recommend google analytics in the beginning because it just adds another thing to worry about.

But if you decide to go through with it you'll just get redirect to step 3 and choose a account for the analytics.

Then lastly you should end up here, the final view!

Firebase project google analytics

And there you have it, that was easy right? 😁


Written by call-n

An engineer with a some years of experience, specializing in frontend systems like React.js and Next.js. Very intrested in the backend too ☺️


Passionate software engineer trying to learn as much about code and design


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